
Your bladder stores and excretes urine, and participates in the transformation of fluids necessary for the production of urine. Its health influences your capacity to go with the flow, and on whether you hold grudges and give in to the dark emotions such as guilt, resentment and jealousy.


Decision making originates from your gallbladder. It controls the spirit of initiative and the courage to make changes. A strong gallbladder gives you the ‘gall’ to change your life, to follow your dreams and to implement new ideas. If it is weak you will be indecisive, timid and easily discouraged at the slightest adversity.


Your heart is responsible for pumping blood but it also makes blood. A strong heart and blood means a strong mind, good memory and balanced emotions. A weak heart means depression, poor memory, dull thinking and insomnia. Your heart directs, integrates and coordinates aspects of your psychic life.


Your kidneys determine your constitutional strength and your mental and physical strength. With strong kidneys your willpower and vital force is strong. You will have the drive, determination, enthusiasm and persistence to pursue goals. Kidneys influence your ability to stand up to emotional stress and weak kidneys mean you will be easily discouraged and lack […]

Large Intestine

Your large intestine is the origin of change and transformation. It is responsible for movement and expression of your emotions. It is connected to your capacity to either ‘let go’ or get stuck holding on to things and physical and emotional detox.


Your liver stores blood, regulates chi flow throughout your body for all physiological, mental and emotional functions, and it supports recovery. Happiness occurs when liver chi flows freely and anger when it doesn’t. With a healthy liver comes resoluteness and drive, and the capacity to plan your life. With liver disharmony comes resentment, frustration and […]


Your lungs are the intermediary between you and the world. They build immunity to allergens and bugs, but they also build your immunity to the negative influences of other people. They are in charge of the mental-emotional sphere. Impaired lung function creates sadness, worry, depression, a tendency to crying and self-criticism.


Your pericardium is closely related to your heart. It covers and protects the heart. It also has a strong influence on mental and emotional states. It is connected to joy and it influences the formation of healthy relationships. A weak pericardium can cause depression and anxiety and relationship difficulties.

San Jiao

Your san jiao is a function not a physical organ. It directs fluids and chi to all your organs. It affects your emotional flow and capacity to relate to people. San Jiao time (9pm – 11pm) can inspire people to have sex, especially men as they are more likely to open up emotionally to their […]

Small Intestine

Your small intestine helps with digestion. It has an influence on judgement and gives you the power of discernment, and the ability to make good decisions. It separates the ‘clear’ from the ‘turgid’ in digestion and on a psychic level and plays a crucial role in the happy unfolding of life.

Jost Sauer Spiritual attunement acupuncture

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