From the lifestyle medicine angle, some kind of resistance to the flow of life, which can translate as muscle spasms in the diaphragm, underlies ongoing hiccups. Your diaphragm is the physical location of your liver, and the hub of chi-flow. Hiccups might appear to be a small thing and not worth worrying about but, as most serious pathologies in TCM can be traced back to liver chi stagnation, if hiccups are recurring take it as an opportunity to find out what is making your liver chi stagnate and actively work on getting it flowing freely. This is the key to health and happiness (literally as your liver creates the free-flow of chi that we experience as happiness). Things that cause liver chi stagnation include emotional stress, not enough rest, suppressed anger and unresolved frustration. Chinese medicine has been using herbal formulas for centuries to keep liver chi flowing. My book Clock On To Health is your liver chi flow manual. It has lots of tips on how to resolve emotional stress, and how to get the perfect work / life balance. Chinese medicine has been using herbal formulas for centuries to keep liver chi flowing. If you want to get your whole day working towards chi flow, book in for a holistic lifestyle consultation.