It’s time to eclipse yourself

Jost Sauer Spiritual awakening eclipse

I had no idea the eclipse was going to be a big spiritual deal. Astrology is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine, and it’s understood (and explained) that we are naturally cosmically connected, but I don’t follow astrological events closely, I just keep doing my stuff regardless ( I’m following the chi-cycle so I’m automatically connected). But […]

Treat your knee pain and avoid surgery: how I did it

Jost Sauers medicinal movement program

This week’s YouTube video is about how I treated my knee pain and avoided surgery. I got triggered by a podcast in which doctors said alternative medicine can’t do anything for damaged knee cartilage. They bagged all supplements including collagen, said that they wouldn’t even be able to reduce the pain from damaged knee cartilage, […]

The solution to feeling insignificant


“I feel insignificant.“ This is something I’ve been hearing more frequently in the last year or so. Psychology puts it down to meaning feeling insignificant compared, usually via social media, with other people, celebrities or friends who seem to have much larger lives. Social media comparison usually gets the blame for the epidemic of insignificance. […]

Why you need good grip strength

Jost with long hair wearing a black shirt

Your grip strength is a biomarker of your biological age, the rate at which your body is actually ageing. A strong grip is a good indicator of overall muscle strength which, in turn, is connected to a healthy lifestyle, exercise and good nutrition, all of which reduce biological age. But a weak grip is associated […]

The 15 minute bodyweight workout

Therapeutic movement is something you can do at any time to immediately change your emotional state and outlook. My therapeutic exercise routine uses bodyweight, so no equipment necessary, and it works certain muscles to break down blockages in the meridians and acupuncture points to restore neutrality, promote feelings of wellbeing and optimism. Just what we […]

A different take on type 2 diabetes: the lifestyle medicine approach

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I caught a news story on diabetes recently which was closer to fear-mongering than news as the presenter stated that over half a million Australians could have diabetes without even knowing it, because they are currently symptom free. They went on to say that if these 500,000 people didn’t get help they could end up […]

The anti-ageing lifestyle: how to boost your health as you age

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I regularly treat retirees who are unhappy and suffering from anxiety, fear and depression. They believe these conditions, and all their other physical symptoms, are just part of ageing. They’re not! They are primarily lifestyle related and can be significantly improved by doing the following: Take herbal formulas to stop the decline of bodily functions […]

Jost Sauer Spiritual attunement acupuncture

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