ArticlesSpirituality Articles

Posted April 7, 2024
Jost Sauer's Spiritual Awakening course

Spiritual awakening: it’s the new black

by Jost Sauer

Spiritual awakening is the new black! All of a sudden it is being discussed in podcasts, blogs and by everyone from scientists to influencers. 
Spiritual awakening isn’t necessarily a beam of uplifting light, or otherworldly type experience, which is what most people think. Or a self-driven seeking and meditative practice, we can also be spiritually woken-up as part of a bigger cosmic plan, and that’s what I believe is happening now.

Weirdly, we respond to this type of spiritual awakening by wanting to go back to bed!  
Feeling constantly tired, wanting to give up, feeling unsupported, being in a dark place, or without hope, or wanting to run away on a mass scale, are signs that we’re going up a level of consciousness and we need to disconnect from the old software by plugging into the new

If we cling to the old system, by wanting security, resisting change and just wanting things to go back to how they were, it’s like trying to draw from a ‘dead energy’. That’s where all those exhaustion, burn-out, and lethargy type feelings comes from. And right now, everyone I see feels like this, and all therapists and even medical professionals are observing this as well.

It’s happening on a mass scale because a big system spiritual upgrade is underway.
We are all networked into the universe, the stars, the earth, everything. Our soul / spirit is connected to all the latest systems, because it gets an update every night when you sleep (this is Chinese medicine, and another good reason to sleep). This is immortal rather than mortal knowledge, we just need to take action rather than over-analyse the chaos of change.

We take action with our body, and by how we live. Then we can receive fresh energy, guidance, and a stronger sense of belonging and purpose.

Moving forward purposefully again benefits our organs and that benefits our spiritual nature. 
We feel energized (liver) and connected to our soul (heart). This in turn benefits our spleen which now has good chi to work with to convert into vitality (we feel centred and focused) and it brings that chi to the lungs (we resolve grief and sadness). That’s the new us, nice!

If the cosmos is calling we don’t want to be hanging-up.
It is a time of change and of intensified spiritual access. That’s what I’m focusing on and that’s why I made my Spiritual Awakening course. It isn’t fluffy-wuffy, it’s practical steps and processes that I’ve been developing and taking people through, for decades. It’s the outcome of 40 years of intensive daily practice, Chinese medicine, spiritual and lifestyle research, and work with countless people in my clinics and rehabs. It condenses everything I’ve learned and road-tested into one course.

The course shows how to optimise spiritual awakenings, of all types, how to kick one off, and how to have a spiritual life. You don’t have to do yoga or wear special clothes or give up stuff (I love cars, music, good food and wine). It’s about cycle-synching (body chi cycle to cosmic cycles), mastering emotional control and helping make a better world through cosmic-self strategies. I cover spiritual practices and spiritual exercises and teach the practicals of how to disconnect from the old and connect to the new.


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About Jost Sauer –
The Lifestyle Medicine Man

Jost Sauer is a healthy lifestyle expert. He is an author, acupuncturist, and has been a therapist since the 80s.

Jost Sauer is also an ex-addict, dealer and deserter turned addiction recovery trailblazer. He pioneered lifestyle medicine for addiction, kickstarted a recovery revolution with his groundbreaking new rehab program, and then adapted the program for everyone as the Chi Cycle lifestyle; a health-boosting, fat-burning feel-good day plan.

Jost has treated thousands of people including celebrities, CEOs and athletes, using his unique combination of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chi-activation,  motivational coaching and lifestyle. He offers individual sessions, training programs and retreats. Jost’s passion is to show everyone how to optimise their organ function, synch back in and reconnect to natural rhythms, and make every day medicinal and magical…

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