ArticlesDiet, Herbal Formulas and Supplements Articles

Posted June 22, 2023
Jost Sauer weight loss program

Mind, body, spirit porridge

by Jost Sauer

When I talk about porridge as the ultimate breakfast (which I always do) people either say they love it or hate it. The haters say it’s slimy, lumpy or tasteless, and the lovers swear by it for getting hours of energy for the day ahead.

I believe porridge making is an art. Everyone can make a porridge that they love. It’s all about creativity, refining what you put in your porridge and understanding why.  You can make it medicinal, addictively yummy and a breakfast that will truly enhance body, mind and spirit. The trick is to understand the secret power of each ingredient and how they come together in harmony to take everything up a level.

It can move chi, help your digestion, burn belly fat, reduce pain, regulate hunger and fuel your body and spirit!

My latest porridge recipe (I eat all of this but it would probably do for 2 people!)

1 cup wheat free organic oats

3/4 litre almond milk

3 heaped tablespoons sprouted brown rice protein powder (testosterone stimulant)

3 tablespoons poppy seeds (chi mover: digestion and pain management)

2 tablespoons black sesame seeds (burns belly fat: weight loss)

2 – 3 tablespoons organic cocoa (I love a dark and mysterious porridge).

1 heaped teaspoon organic white pepper (anti-inflammatory, reduces pain)

1/2 – 3/4 teaspoon organic cinnamon (immunity, fights infections, anti-oxidant)

Dash of cloves (blood sugar, bone health, regulates hunger levels)

Handful of chopped raw ginger (Spleen – Heart – Kidney – Lung – Liver)

Soak it overnight.

Cook it the next morning after a good workout until it’s creamy and steaming and delicious.

Top with raw honey


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About Jost Sauer –
The Lifestyle Medicine Man

Jost Sauer is a healthy lifestyle expert. He is an author, acupuncturist, and has been a therapist since the 80s.

Jost Sauer is also an ex-addict, dealer and deserter turned addiction recovery trailblazer. He pioneered lifestyle medicine for addiction, kickstarted a recovery revolution with his groundbreaking new rehab program, and then adapted the program for everyone as the Chi Cycle lifestyle; a health-boosting, fat-burning feel-good day-plan.

Jost has treated thousands of people including celebrities, CEOs and athletes, using his unique combination of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chi-activation,  motivational coaching and lifestyle. He offers individual sessions, training programs and retreats. Jost’s passion is to show everyone how to optimise their organ function, synch back in and reconnect to natural rhythms, and make every day medicinal and magical…

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