Anti-agingArticlesExercise Articles

Posted April 1, 2024
Jost Sauers medicinal movement program

Treat your knee pain and avoid surgery: how I did it

by Jost Sauer

This week’s YouTube video is about how I treated my knee pain and avoided surgery. I got triggered by a podcast in which doctors said alternative medicine can’t do anything for damaged knee cartilage. They bagged all supplements including collagen, said that they wouldn’t even be able to reduce the pain from damaged knee cartilage, let alone heal anything.

But I had excruciating knee pain around 15 years ago, with severely restricted knee mobility to the point where I had problems walking. I’d just turned 50 and the effects of my crazy sporting activities and competitive downhill skiing were starting to show. X-rays concluded that surgery was necessary.

I resisted and, as an alternative medicine practitioner with a dedicated daily chi practice and therapeutic exercise regime, I decided to put my money where my mouth was and use that on myself. Within a few years the knee pain was gone.

Alternative medicine can’t be compared to Western medicine, that’s what those doctors didn’t get. Alternative medicine is about synergy – the sum of the parts make the big difference.

It was the combo of top-quality supplements, regular acupuncture, chi practices, resistance training and my chi-cycle lifestyle that was the cure for me.

For supplements I used collagen PURE (by Modere), curcumin, joint formula and Vit D3 (if I had to choose just one I’d do Pure – amazing results). Sure, it took a long, long time, but because my knee improved all the time, I knew I just had to stick with it. If the body gets what it needs it can do amazing things!

I know plenty of people who have had successful knee surgery, so I’m not against it, it just didn’t feel right for me. So for those who want to try and avoid surgery, I’m explaining the chi principle behind what I did, and showing the healing sequence for bone regrowth. This regrowth happens every 10 years but the idea is to do it over the original form and use chi for bone and cartilage regrowth.

Book in for one of my lifestyle chi coaching  zoom consults if you want more information on how to do this, when to do this and to find out if it’s right for you.

Subscribe to my channel for weekly motivational short vids on all the chi-hacks I’ve developed over 4 decades in the biz. Treat knee pain and avoid surgery: how I did it

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About Jost Sauer –
The Lifestyle Medicine Man

Jost Sauer is a healthy lifestyle expert. He is an author, acupuncturist, and has been a therapist since the 80s.

Jost Sauer is also an ex-addict, dealer and deserter turned addiction recovery trailblazer. He pioneered lifestyle medicine for addiction, kickstarted a recovery revolution with his groundbreaking new rehab program, and then adapted the program for everyone as the Chi Cycle lifestyle; a health-boosting, fat-burning feel-good day-plan.

Jost has treated thousands of people including celebrities, CEOs and athletes, using his unique combination of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chi-activation,  motivational coaching and lifestyle. He offers individual sessions, training programs and retreats. Jost’s passion is to show everyone how to optimise their organ function, synch back in and reconnect to natural rhythms, and make every day medicinal and magical…

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