Liver Invading the Spleen

The liver, which is responsible for the smooth flow of chi throughout the body, is very close to the spleen which is the main digestive organ. When liver chi stagnates, due to stress, anger, frustration or inappropriate diet, it invades the spleen and disturbs the digestive process. From a psychological perspective liver invading the spleen […]

Liver Invading the Stomach

Lifestyle factors and emotional stress, combined with irregular meals and overwork stagnates liver chi and it invades the stomach. The stomach is the ‘giver of life’, but when disrupted it creates pain and disease. Symptoms: Irritability, distension and pain in epigastrium and hypochondrium, fullness in epigastrium, acid reflux, belching nausea, vomiting, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic […]

Liver Fire Insulting the Lungs

Anger causes the formation of liver fire, which rises upwards towards the chest generating breathlessness and asthma. The underlying cause for this pattern is long standing liver chi stagnation resulting from emotional and psychological issues. Symptoms: Breathlessness, asthma, fullness and stuffy chest and hypochondrium, cough, yellow or blood-streaked sputum, headache, dizziness, red face, thirst, bitter […]

Kidney and Heart not Harmonised

The heart and kidneys depend upon each other for support, but they also control each other. The heart descends to the kidneys to provide warmth (kidneys are the fire for all physiological processes) and the kidneys ascend to the heart to prevent it from becoming hyperactive (the heart stores the mind). When kidney yin becomes […]

Kidney and Lung Yin Deficiency

This pattern is caused by irregular eating habits and chronic overwork combined with longterm worry which injures the lung energy. It is a chronic pattern characterised by the exhaustion of the body’s chi. Symptoms: Dry cough (worse in the evening), dry mouth, blood-tinged sputum, insomnia, thin body, breathlessness from exertion, weak breathing, weak voice, sore […]

Kidney and Spleen Yang Deficiency

A chronic condition involving spleen and kidney. Your spleen controls transportation and transformation, and kidney yang warms the spleen to support its functions. Yang deficiency in the spleen or kidneys will cause dysfunction of transportation and transformation, leading to loose stools, diarrhoea, stomach rumbling, chronic diarrhoea, and a cold abdomen. Kidney yang can’t transform fluids, […]

Kidney Chi not Firm

This pattern is affiliated with the Western diseases of depression, sexually transmitted diseases, yeast infection, urinary dysfunction and is characterised by urinary and sexual manifestations. The kidneys can’t provide enough chi to the bladder causing incontinence, frequent urination, weak-stream urination and dribbling after urination. The chi is too weak to hold sperm or vaginal secretion […]

Damp Heat in the Gallbladder

This pattern is affiliated with gallstones and is caused by longterm stress generating anger, and excessive consumption of greasy and fatty foods. The dampness formed by the greasy food combines with the heat caused by strong emotions. The gallstones form over a long period of time from dampness under the ‘steaming and brewing’ action of […]

Gallbladder Deficient

This is a constitutional pattern (you can be born with it) characterised by a lack of courage, timidity and poor decision making, that can then affect the way you live. It can also develop as a result of malnourishment, in particular from a protein deficient diet, or from diets that make you emotionally and physically […]

Liver Chi Stagnation

The liver is responsible for a smooth flow of chi around your body. It ensures that your muscles and organs have a constant supply of chi for movement, digestion, blood flow, and the flow of the emotions. If liver chi stagnates, due to emotional tension, ongoing stress and inappropriate diet, it creates symptoms. Symptoms: Abdominal […]

Jost Sauer Spiritual attunement acupuncture

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