Liver Fire Blazing Upwards

The inability to manage stress and anger; a hectic lifestyle, and excessive use of drugs or alcohol causes heat in the liver, makes the chi and blood move upwards and everything becomes a trigger to act urgently and behave reactively. Symptoms: Irritability, outbursts of anger, red face and eyes, tinnitus, deafness, temporary headaches, migraine, muscle […]

Damp Cold in the Urinary Bladder

Dampness is heavy, it obstructs the water passages in the lower body and interferes with the urinary bladder function of chi transformation causing urgent and difficult urination and the feeling of heaviness which is typical for dampness. Excessive exposure to exterior dampness and cold contributes to the development. Symptoms: Frequent and urgent urination, difficult urination […]

Liver Yang Rising Causing Wind

Caused by a combination of emotional factors (continuous states of anger, resentment and frustration) with a hectic lifestyle that depletes kidney yin and jing (your life essence). It can also be caused by physical exertion over a long period of time. Liver wind is serious as it can develop into Parkinson’s disease and dementia. Symptoms: […]

Spleen and Lung Chi Deficiency

This pattern is caused by a combination of a fast food diet, and a sedentary lifestyle. Both spleen and lung are involved in the production of chi, the spleen via food and the lungs via breathing. A diet of fast food and stooping over the desk all day will cause a deficiency in spleen and […]

Spleen and Liver Blood Deficiency

This pattern is caused by relying on fast food for daily meals, but also by diets based primarily on cold and raw foods. Both cause spleen chi deficiency. Food is the basis for the formation of blood and when the spleen chi is deficient, not enough blood is produced leading to a lack of blood […]

Obstruction of Spleen by Dampness with Stagnation of Liver Chi

This pattern is caused by eating excessive amounts of deep fried or greasy foods which makes the spleen deficient. The spleen comprises the entire digestive system and aspects of the circulatory system. When the spleen is deficient the digestive process is impaired and foods and fluids don’t move smoothly causing dampness. Dampness obstructs the flow […]

Heart Chi Deficiency

This pattern is affiliated with mood disorders, persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) and anxieties which are caused by stress and constant negative emotions. The heart houses the mind and emotional problems, in particular sadness, sap the heart energies leading to heart chi deficiency. Social isolation and chronic illness, which involves sweating and tiredness, can also cause […]

Heart Yang Deficiency

This pattern is affiliated with arrhythmia, bradycardia and PTSD and is caused by prolonged stress, excessive coffee and smoking, amphetamine / cocaine abuse, diet pills and shock or fright. In heart yang deficiency blood circulation is not promoted and shortness of breath aggravated by exertion will manifest. Heart yang can’t warm the limbs causing chills […]

Heart Yang Collapse

This is a serious condition that develops over a long period of time. It is affiliated with too much overwork, emotional problems, PTSD in the advanced stage; and abuse of stimulants including diet pills, explosive workout supplements, and methamphetamine. Heart yang collapse can require emergency treatment. In complete collapse of heart chi the mind has […]

Heart Blood Deficiency

This pattern is affiliated with anaemia, poor memory, ‘brain fog’ and the early stages of developing atherosclerosis and CVD. Heart blood deficiency can be a precursor to heart blood stagnation (atherosclerosis) as blood nourishes chi and chi moves blood. It is very common in people who spend long hours on the computer every day, thinking […]

Jost Sauer Spiritual attunement acupuncture

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