The SOS diet for energy and weight loss

Exhausted, constant fatigue, no energy, weight gain, bloating, irritability? The SOS diet is here to rescue you! My SOS diet is based on the function of my 3 food groups: switch-on, switch-over and switch-off. It is an eating plan that harmonises with the natural yin and yang cycle of every 24 hours, and it promotes […]
New Ways to Lose Weight – online course launched

I’ve had so many clients over the years who couldn’t lose weight, despite trying every diet and exercise program, but who then got results from the system I developed, that I’ve put it all together into this online course. It draws on 40 years of my research and observations of patients’ results. It covers what […]
How to lose belly fat: add chi

The theme of the week is belly fat. It came into my mind (I’m usually getting what’s an issue on people’s minds out there), then clients presented with it, and then I heard health reports on it (this always happens to me, it’s like when you get a Mini, you see Mini’s everywhere). Latest stats […]
New Ways to Lose Weight with Chinese Medicine

With new predictions that one in two people will be obese by 2030, I’ve been delving deeper into how Chinese medicine treats obesity and weight issues. If you want to lose weight going on a diet is your first mistake. It is based on the judgemental mindset that you have ‘lost control’ of your eating […]
Use your Body Clock for Weight Loss

If you’re feeling toxic, ‘off’, bloated and heavy after eating, and are reacting badly to more and more foods, it’s natural to try to change that with radical diets and fasts, because you feel it in the gut area. But the cause of those symptoms is stagnant chi and that comes from lifestyle factors that […]
The best intermittent fasting diet

The healthy way to do intermittent fasting The healthy approach to intermittent fasting is to get your day sorted, not your diet. Intermittent fasting is the new health craze. There’s the 16:8 diet (fast for 16 hours and eat within an eight-hour window); the 5:2 diet (cut back on calories two days a week) and […]
The Weight Loss Lifestyle: Lose Weight With Chi

New research has shown that two out of three Westerners are now either overweight or obese and the continuing rise in obesity will lead to an additional 500,000 deaths by 2030. Research has also shown that diets don’t work. My own research has shown that lifestyle is the solution. But it has to be a […]
The Natural Cure for Bloating

Bloating is so common now it is unusual to not suffer from it. Recent estimates claim that one in six people experience bloating, and for those with conditions such as constipation or IBS it is three out of four. People in the first group tend to blame intolerance and foods such as bread, pasta or […]