clock on to health Jost Sauer

Clock on to Health eBook


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Clock On To Health

Clock On To Health is a refreshingly entertaining and accessible how-to guide. It repackages a powerful core concept of TCM, the daily cycle of chi through the organs, into a simple daily routine that fights symptoms and boosts health. The book will enable readers to:

  • Cut through the confusion about how to live well
  • Take charge of their health
  • Heal and prevent hundreds of uncomfortable symptoms
  • Lose weight, sleep deeply and have more energy
  • Slow down ageing

Separate chapters introduce each of the 12 organs (of traditional Chinese medicine) as a ‘character’, describe their duties, and reveal the connection between lifestyle, organ health and the development of symptoms. The book outlines simple preventative measures, offers the healthiest diets and the most efficient exercises, and reveals how to organise everything— from snacks to social media to sleep — to make lifestyle the best medicine.

Clock On To Health is underpinned by medicinal knowledge tried and tested over millennia in China. It offers an intelligent and sustainable way to live that maximises the benefit of all normal day-to-day activities by using time and energy (chi) efficiently. Jost has followed the lifestyle himself for over 20 years and has used it as a therapeutic tool for thousands of clients. It works.

The tone of the book is light-hearted and entertaining. This unique style of information delivery was developed by Jost as a result of ten years spent teaching, inspiring and enthusing students of TCM; and many years of presenting wildly entertaining public talks at massive music festivals, and in corporate workshops. Jost understands that if you make health about fun rather than fear, it will inspire change. This is his passion and purpose. Clock On To Health epitomises this.

  • Find out how to use your bodyclock to naturally boost your health, self-heal hundreds of common symptoms; lose weight, sleep more deeply, get more energy, and look and feel younger.
  • Discover the ultimate day plan, with the best times for everything from snacks to sex; and social media to sleep, according to your organ clocks. This is the secret to natural glowing health.
  • This entertaining book includes lots of practical health tips you can use every day to reverse and prevent lifestyle disease symptoms and create health and happiness instead. You can start any time and all you need is a clock!
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