“I feel insignificant.“ This is something I’ve been hearing more frequently in the last year or so. Psychology puts it down to meaning feeling insignificant compared, usually via social media, with other people, celebrities or friends who seem to have much larger lives.
Social media comparison usually gets the blame for the epidemic of insignificance.
Or of feeling small, but I’m looking a bit deeper and we are supposed to grow and contact with people is how we do that. Comparison provides a stimulus to act, to do something, maybe you read someone’s ebook and think you can do better, if you have a go you are acting on that stimulus and will grow and evolve from it. The critical thing is to move, to act purposefully.
Comparing but not doing is the problem.
Ultimately you want to use comparisonitis to make yourself have a go at anything (because everything you do opens another door) and then be comparing to yourself. Compare your progress going forward to where you were before. It’s a purpose boosting move.
Feeling insignificant can also come from mega global changes where we feel small and powerless in comparison. Get cosmically reconnected, that takes care of this. We all matter, we all have a purpose, we are all here for big lives, and big loves, it’s destiny.
Cosmic connection through meditative action is the solution.
It’s how you reclaim your place in the big picture.
Feeling insignificant is also connected with feeling depressed.
Chinese herbal formulas are great to kickstart a mood change for comparisonitis and depression (WHAT HERB?), but so is movement medicine. A huge new study has proven that exercise is twice as effective as antidepressants for improving mood, and the most effective ones (from a limited list) are strength training and yoga.
That makes sense because strength training is about overcoming resistance, which is a self-empowering and energising strategy, and intentional breath and movement combined, is therapeutic. It gets chi flowing along your meridians for happy organs, and happy organs means happy you.
There’s 12 million antidepressant scripts a year just in Australia, and one in six people globally are taking SSRIs, some start as young as five years old. I reckon it’s crunch time for self-health and movement medicine. This is why I’m doing my videos each weeks with self-health tips.
Chest exercises, for example, open your heart meridians.
This is why bench presses are always a favourite in gyms, but you can do inclined push-ups at home anytime or anywhere and all you need is a sturdy table.
Lean your body weight forward, with bent arms on the table edge and lever yourself up and down. Breathe in when you push up, and out when you lower – that’s where the medicinal value comes in – and that’s how you can give yourself a treatment. Self-health: get on board now and grab the big life you’re destined for.
In this week’s YouTube video I’m doing a demo of how to activate a couple of acupuncture points in the chest and stomach to read the sign of purpose and get motivated to act on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7z-Dn0e45g