Chi CycleDiet, Herbal Formulas and SupplementsWeight Loss Articles

Posted November 27, 2024
Jost Sauer's SOS diet

The SOS diet for energy and weight loss

by Jost Sauer

Exhausted, constant fatigue, no energy, weight gain, bloating, irritability? The SOS diet is here to rescue you!

My SOS diet is based on the function of my 3 food groups: switch-on, switch-over and switch-off. It is an eating plan that harmonises with the natural yin and yang cycle of every 24 hours, and it promotes physical and emotional health, plus a healthy weight.

I call it SOS because it’s a fantastic way to help your health, energy levels, productivity and happiness (plus SOSOSO just doesn’t sound as catchy)

Switch-on foods are for breakfast

Ideally oatmeal porridge which has long chain sugars that provide energy for up to 5 hours. This means you’ll avoid the mid-morning energy crashes of the toast or smoothie breakfasts, and the associated craving for sugar or caffeine. That’s a health disruptor.

Switch-over foods are for lunch.

Their job is to ground the energy you switched-on in the morning and properly fuel your afternoon. The ideal Switch-over foods include a good protein source such as fish, chicken, meat or lots of beans. Plus what I call a ‘grounding carb’ such as rice, and lots of yummy veggies.

And remember as you eat that you’re now also switching your activities from yang to yin. You’ll know you nailed your Switch-over meal if you cruise through the afternoon with no 3:30itis or sweet cravings. If you’re hitting chocolate and caffeine in the afternoon, you’re setting yourself up for interrupted sleep and metabolic disorders.

The third group, the ‘switch-off’ foods, are for the evening.

These are simple easy-to-digest and easy to make, and their job is promote yin (calmness) and prep you for a good night’s sleep. My all-time favorite Switch-off meal is a heart-warming, spleen-satisfying  pumpkin soup, with some crusty bread (rye). I also have sardines (a great oily fish that promotes sleep?), on a bed of rocket, with a sprinkle of Himalayan rock salt (coarsely ground).  And, of course, a nice glass of red.

Switch on, switch over, switch off – it’s the tried and tested formula for an energy building productive day and a restful and rejuvenating sleep, and it’s the secret to a healthy weight.

For more of my tips for a healthy rhythmic lifestyle and weight, check out my online course Chinese Medicine 101

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About Jost Sauer

Jost Sauer is an expert in preventative health and Chinese medicine.

Jost pioneered lifestyle medicine for addiction, kickstarted a recovery revolution with his groundbreaking rehab program, and then adapted the program for everyone as the Chi Cycle lifestyle; a health-boosting, fat-burning feel-good day plan.

Jost has treated thousands of people including celebrities, CEOs and athletes, using his unique combination of Chinese medicine, acupuncture, chi-activation,  motivational coaching and lifestyle. He offers individual sessions, training programs and retreats. Jost’s passion is to show everyone how to optimise their organ function, synch back in and reconnect to natural rhythms, and make every day medicinal and magical…

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