An ex-addict, dealer and deserter turned therapist, Jost kickstarted the recovery revolution with his practical yet spiritually profound take on quitting drugs and using past experiences of altered states to launch a journey of self-discovery.
He pioneered lifestyle medicine for recovery and created a holistic recovery program that ran successfully in numerous residential rehabs. Now available at Evolver Rehab, Sunshine Coast.
Jost’s experience and insight into accelerated recovery is available in his books, online recovery videos, and one-on-one consultations for those who want to get their life forward rather than back.
Next Steps
Book a zoom consultation with Jost for input on managing symptoms and, for direction on how to achieve your recovery goals.
Book in to a program Evolver Rehab runs Jost’s radical recovery program on the Sunshine Coast.
The programs include sessions with Jost.
If you are seeking professional advice and input from Jost on how to best help someone with addiction issues, please book a 30-minute session.
Addiction Books
Psychedelic, confessional and informative these myth-busting must-reads are for the next-gen unapologetic drug-users who don’t consider themselves diseased, don’t want to be normal, but do want a meaningful and extraordinary life journey after addiction.
They are for everyone who believes the world could really be magical, that we really could have extraordinary powers and be so much more. These books are your guide to your cosmic self and ultimately that’s what we are all here for.
Higher and Higher is the first in the series, I fess up to everything and use my roller-coaster ride from marijuana paranoia to speed immortality, alcohol, depression and redemption, to share the magic of Chinese medicine.
Drug Repair That Works drags some more stuff out into the light and gets into psychosis, the spiritual realms and more.
The Rebel’s Guide to Recovery came after years of crazy experiences in rehabs (running them that is) and realising that every drug user has a template for a extraordinary life.
Online Learning
eHAB- recovery for unapologetic drug-users
Created by one of the industry’s most radical thinkers, eHAB turns the recovery model on its head to help you quit drugs and kickstart a creative journey of healing, self-growth and spiritual satisfaction.
manifesto: the radical road to recovery
Do you feel like your life is getting out of control, that you are going to lose your relationship, job, family or friends? Knowledge is power so the first thing to do is to get some clarity on why you feel like that, or why you feel depressed, anxious, suicidal or moody, and then get instructions on how to get your health and life back in control.
Start with a different attitude. If you’ve been using drugs to celebrate your individuality, enhance your performance, manage your stress, explore your boundaries, or even to just have a laugh, that’s all good. You were on the right path, just using an unreliable method because all recreational drugs, even marijuana, will eventually take you into ‘out of control’ territory, it’s just a matter of when. The stronger the drug the faster this happens.
If you’re in that territory now don’t waste of time trying to resolve anything or work out what went wrong. This is what always happens in addiction recovery, the focus is negativity, hopelessness, disease and brain damage. This is not helpful. Drugs don’t cause brain damage, addiction is not a disease, and all situations can change for the better. So change your mindset.
We are all individuals and we are meant to be adventurous and to explore heightened states. We are not meant to fit in and be like everyone else. So focus on what you got right, on the desire for the heightened state, and set a goal to get what you wanted from drugs back again, but without the drugs.
I worked out a system for this by ‘reverse-engineering’ drug highs (using Chinese medicine). It’s not the drug that gets you high, it’s what it does to your body. If you take methamphetamine (ice, crystal meth) or cocaine, for example, that instant fantastic elated high, is chi roaring through your body and amping everything – love, happiness, bliss, bonding, excitement, action – up to maximum.
Chi is an awesome combination of energy, consciousness and information. This is why you hit peak performance states, why you get incredible insights or ideas on drugs, or even why psychedelic trips defy the physical laws. Lack of chi accounts for all the side effects. Recreational drugs create highs by using up your own internal resources. The stronger the drug the faster it chews up your energy, willpower, drive and happiness and the faster your life runs out of control.
But all this can be corrected. If you’re feeling suicidal, depressed, anxious, or out of control, you’re like a car that’s run out of petrol. If that happens you don’t take the car to a shrink to talk about what went wrong, you just fill it up again. So forget about disease and emotionality, and focus on filling up again. Chi is the key. Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, nutritional supplements, therapeutic exercise, lifestyle changes and diet can all build chi and make it flow.
Change your terminology. Don’t have ‘sobriety’ as your goal. It sounds dull and lifeless. If that’s all you have to look forward to its no wonder people relapse. Try ‘extraordinary’ as the state you want to achieve after quitting drugs or alcohol. Don’t use ‘clean’ – meaning being off drugs – either. Saying you are ‘clean’ suggests that what you did before was unclean, this is another outdated concept. You may have had some profound life-altering experiences on drugs and this is an asset if you use those experiences as a template for something you want to achieve again without drugs.
For example, in the early days of drug use, when you were high you loved everyone, and were not critical or judgmental. You experienced just ‘being’, you knew who you were, what you wanted and were truly yourself. This is high value experience. There are an estimated one billion drug-users on the planet now, if all of them recaptured those states without the drugs the world would change. Join the recovery revolution now and make it happen.