Damp Heat in the Large Intestine

This pattern is affiliated with ulcerative colitis, a chronic inflammatory disorder of the colonic mucosa and is caused by overconsumption of hot (this is an energetic quality not food temperature) and greasy foods, or chronic sadness and anxiety. If these causes are combined, the pattern is worse. These factors cause dampness in the large intestine […]

Heat in the Large Intestine

Caused by excessive consumption of hot (this is an energetic quality not food temperature) foods (lamb, beef and alcohol) and dry foods eg broiled or baked meat. Symptoms: Constipation with dry stools, burning sensation in the mouth, dry tongue, burning and swelling in the anus, scanty dark urine.

Cold Invading the Large Intestine

This pattern is caused by underdressing in cold weather, especially leaving the abdomen area exposed. It can also be caused by sitting on cold and wet surfaces for prolonged periods of time. The exterior cold invades the large intestine and interferes with the movement of chi in the lower body parts resulting in sudden severe […]

Collapse of Large Intestine

This pattern affiliated with haemorrhoids, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic gastritis and is caused by irregular meals, unhealthy eating habits, overwork, constant rushing or eating while working or on the run. Symptoms: Chronic diarrhoea, prolapse anus, haemorrhoids, tiredness after bowel movements, cold limbs, no appetite, mental exhaustion, desire to drink warm liquids, desire to have the […]

Stomach Chi Deficiency

This pattern is affiliated with anorexia, dyspepsia, chronic gastritis and is caused by lack of nutrition, lack or protein or undereating. The production of chi involves every organ but starts with the stomach. If the stomach is weak it affects all other organs in the energy production. Tiredness is the main symptom of stomach chi […]

Stomach Deficient and Cold

This pattern is affiliated with eating habits; for example vegetarians who primarily eat cold and raw foods. The main cause is malnourishment and lack of protein, but it can also be caused by excessive consumption of cold drinks, ice-cream, salads, fruit and iced drinks. Symptoms: Discomfort in the epigastrium which is worse after bowel movements, […]

Stomach Yin Deficiency

This pattern is affiliated with diabetes mellitus, chronic gastritis and gastritis neurosis. It is caused by irregular eating habits: eating late, skipping meals, having a sandwich for lunch while rushing around; eating while working; stressful business lunches; worrying while eating, and going straight back to work immediately after a meal. These behaviours weaken stomach yin, […]

Stomach Fire

This pattern is affiliated with heartburn and gastric ulcer and is a combination of the wrong foods, stress and strong emotions; excessive consumption of hot (this is an energetic quality not actual temperature) foods; smoking, overwork, juggling too many projects at the same time; sleep deprivation, lack of rest, anger, frustration, jealousy and worry. These […]

Cold Invading the Stomach

This pattern is affiliated with severe stomach pain; a cramping or stabbing pain that can make you double-up and vomit clear fluids. One cause is weather (when exterior cold invades the stomach) or the excessive consumption of cold foods and iced drinks. Symptoms: Sudden pain in the epigastrium, feeling cold, nausea, preference for warm drinks, […]

Lung Chi Deficiency

This pattern is affiliated with immunity and commonly results from a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged hunching over desks or devices, which constricts your breathing. It is also affiliated with the misuse of antibiotics (if taken for a cold, for example, they can lock the cold in the chest). These things create lung chi deficiency which […]

Jost Sauer Spiritual attunement acupuncture

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