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Your grip strength is a biomarker of your biological age, the rate at which your body is actually ageing. A strong grip is a good indicator of overall muscle strength which, in turn, is connected to a healthy lifestyle, exercise and good nutrition, all of which reduce biological age….
Brain fog, feeling spacey, fuzzy in the head, confused, forgetful, unfocused and blanking-out are uncomfortable symptoms, but they are also like the warning lights on the brain function dash. Don’t stick a bandaid over them! These symptoms are part of the organ imbalance progression that heads towards dementia. Dementia…
Putting the U back in Universe This is an extraordinary time. I was thinking about how over the last few decades as a therapist, people have come to see me one by one for an individual issue. It could be emotional, like a relationship breakdown or a death, or…
I see more people than ever before struggling with exhaustion – heavy eyes, heavy body, feel like they could sleep standing up and are totally unmotivated. There’s plenty of theories out there on why this is, but toxic or unsettled chi is certainly playing a role. We are in…
‘Follow your heart’ is common happiness advice. Even Steve Jobs famously said it. Less common is effective ‘how to follow your heart’ advice.   Chinese medicine has this sorted. Its lineage is the spiritual seeking sages of ancient China, and the heart is not just a pump, it is…
We know life will end, and we know it will never end. And we know both these things (subconsciously) at the same time. This makes life tricky for us humans. Having a temporary body that is home to an eternal soul can be confusing. Chinese medicine gave this some…

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