The chi of Internet Porn

In my clinic I am regularly seeing female clients who are sexually dissatisfied because their husbands or partners no longer want sex with them. At the same time, I treat large numbers of male clients who are internet porn users and no longer feel like having sex with their wives or girlfriends. This is an […]
How to drink alcohol in a healthy way

Having specialised in addiction for so long I’ve had a lot of experience with clients who had an ‘alcohol problem’, and I regularly treat clients who want to give up alcohol because they think it’s bad for them. I’ll start by saying that although I’m obsessed with health and live for it, I also love […]
A different take on type 2 diabetes: the lifestyle medicine approach

I caught a news story on diabetes recently which was closer to fear-mongering than news as the presenter stated that over half a million Australians could have diabetes without even knowing it, because they are currently symptom free. They went on to say that if these 500,000 people didn’t get help they could end up […]
The Weight Loss Lifestyle: Lose Weight With Chi

New research has shown that two out of three Westerners are now either overweight or obese and the continuing rise in obesity will lead to an additional 500,000 deaths by 2030. Research has also shown that diets don’t work. My own research has shown that lifestyle is the solution. But it has to be a […]
The Natural Cure for Bloating

Bloating is so common now it is unusual to not suffer from it. Recent estimates claim that one in six people experience bloating, and for those with conditions such as constipation or IBS it is three out of four. People in the first group tend to blame intolerance and foods such as bread, pasta or […]
What is the Chi Health Cycle?

The chi health cycle is daily routine that naturally builds up your health, energy and happiness every 24 hours. I’ve treated a lot of people who feel their life is such a mess that they don’t even know where to start to change. I’ve been there too, big time. The chi health cycle turned my […]
Cure Insomnia Naturally

After years of suffering from insomnia, I now fall asleep at 9.30pm and, most nights, sleep right through to the morning. It is the most blissful feeling and I’ll never take sleep for granted again. Sleep seemed out of reach for me for years until I discovered that there is a system to it. Anyone […]
The anti-ageing lifestyle: how to boost your health as you age

I regularly treat retirees who are unhappy and suffering from anxiety, fear and depression. They believe these conditions, and all their other physical symptoms, are just part of ageing. They’re not! They are primarily lifestyle related and can be significantly improved by doing the following: Take herbal formulas to stop the decline of bodily functions […]
How to find your purpose

A purposeful life is a happy one but plenty of people have no idea what their purpose is. Lots of people buy success books, write down their goals every day but then continue to live their normal 9-5 life and not much happens. The secret is to build your chi and your intent. Just writing […]
What is Lifestyle Medicine?

Lifestyle medicine is a new concept in Western medicine. It has emerged in response to the epidemic of ‘lifestyle diseases’, such as heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes, that are killing tens of millions of people every year. These deaths are the outcome of unhealthy behaviours including lack of exercise, poor diets, smoking, toxic […]