
I suffered from insomnia for years and it nearly drove me crazy. I tried all sorts of things from sleeping potions, to various forms of therapy, to desperate bottles of wine and nothing worked. This is because insomnia is lifestyle induced so the only cure is lifestyle changes. In TCM insomnia is caused by an […]

Barking Cough

Barking cough in adults is often a result of a high-stress lifestyle (especially financial and deadline induced stress); relentless pressure, overwork and the associated time-deprivation diet (fast foods, sugar hits, or raw and cold foods); smoking for stress management, and sleep deprivation. This creates internal imbalances leading to the formation of ‘phlegm’. The pressure and […]

Bleeding Gums

Plenty of people put heaps of time and effort into cleaning their teeth and dental hygiene to deal with bleeding gums, but it doesn’t always resolve the problem. In these cases lifestyle factors that cause ‘heat’ (which rises) are involved. Here are some behaviours that create heat: stress and strong emotions; excessive consumption of hot […]


Bloating is so common now, I rarely see a client who doesn’t suffer from it. I’ve noticed that people always blame bread, pasta or carbs, but this is only part of the cause. If you try and treat bloating by cutting out everything that makes you bloat, you can end up with a diet so […]


If you find yourself belching all the time, it’s not bad manners it’s a sign that your liver needs some TLC. Liver directs chi flow around your body to make sure all your organs and processes work properly. Belching is a sign that that flow is being interrupted somewhere. The odd burp or two is […]

Blood in Stool

Blood in stool can be an indicator of something serious or something more simple such as poor diet. Either way the symptom always begins with ‘dampness’ and this is a condition created by behaviours and lifestyle. Lifestyle changes that can help include changing your diet to include more healthy foods and less of the greasy […]


In the old days of TCM, stool analysis was a major diagnostic tool. The emperor’s stool physician would examine the stool and then give recommendations to the herbalist and the cook. We don’t examine stool any more but we still always ask clients about their stool because shape, consistency and frequency are indicators of the […]


A healthy mind is the outcome of a healthy heart in TCM, and a healthy heart is the outcome of healthy kidneys, and this is down to lifestyle. A weakening of heart and / or kidneys will weaken the mind and manifest as dementia symptoms. Dementia is on the rise because so many contemporary lifestyle factors […]


I’ve treated countless numbers of people with depression and it is never ‘just in your mind’. If anyone says that to you, don’t listen. Depression involves your body, your lifestyle and even your purpose and this is how you treat it. Depression can be a physical response to excessive pressure and stress (doing too many […]


In a state of apathy you lose your reason for being here, you lose your ‘fire for life’. I saw this in my father (who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s) but people misunderstood his apathy back then, they didn’t realise that it is an organ malfunction not a behavior. It is not deliberate and not something […]

Jost Sauer Spiritual attunement acupuncture

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