The best TCM herbal formulas for success

When I talk about Chinese herbal formulas, people often say “I don’t need herbs because I eat well’, but they are missing the point of medicinal herbs. Firstly, in Chinese medicine herbs are far superior to food, they are more like concentrated foods and they have specific actions way beyond anything food can deliver. Secondly, […]

The difference between fate and destiny

Fate and destiny are not the same Fate is the direction our life takes without any effort on our behalf. Fate is defined as the expected result of normal development. Destiny on the other hand is our potential waiting to happen and the ancient Chinese sages made ‘nourishing destiny’ an important branch of medicine. Nourishing […]

Muscle Cars and Meditation : How to harmonise your two natures

Muscle cars and Meditation : Your Two Natures Back in the 90s, when I was lecturing at a college of natural medicine, I drove a hotted-up bright red BMW coupe, lowered so much I couldn’t drive it over speed bumps. It really stood out in the college carpark and I used to get flak for […]

Come again? Ejaculation, affairs and Yin and Yang of sex

COME AGAIN? EJACULATION, AFFAIRS AND YIN & YANG OF SEX In Western medicine, sex is not considered an integral part of health, in Traditional Chinese Medicine though, sexual practices are considered to have a huge impact on health by affecting levels of ‘Jing’, a substance which determines your basic constitutional strength and vitality. Jing is […]

Yin Yang sex & relationships

Being invited to submit an article on the theme of ‘Loving Now’ my first thought was to write about the heart, as it is in traditional Chinese medicine; the emperor of the organs, the seat of the soul and the transmitter of love. I was going to write about the chi-cycle time of the heart, […]

Magic mushrooms

Magic mushroom is the term popularly used to describe the mushrooms that have an hallucinogenic effect when consumed. According to Western research the principal psychoactive component of these mushrooms is psilocybin and the effects include significant visual, auditory and perceptual alterations. In lower doses magic mushrooms can induce hysterical laughter (as marijuana can do) but in higher doses […]

Heroin and holistic recovery

Opium, a powerful analgesic derived from the poppy plant has been used by humans for thousands of years. In 1803 morphine was derived from processed opium, and in 1874 heroin from morphine. There have been continuous waves of addiction to all three substances but, according to some sources, heroin use has recently escalated. There is no universally accepted reason […]

Ecstasy interpreted using Chinese medicine

Jost Sauer Spiritual attunement acupuncture

Ecstasy (MDMA) is an unusual drug. Its chemical structure bears similarities to both the stimulant methamphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline. Ecstasy is sometimes categorised as an entactogen — which means ‘touching within’ and, like all the other recreational drugs, it was developed for therapeutic use. It is a drug that provides insight and empathy and […]

From harry potter to pot

Cannabis is the drug most of us start with and often the drug most of us finish with. My drug journey began with a joint when I was 16 and then, after LSD, cocaine, speed, heroin, mushrooms, mescaline and everything in between, it ended with a joint when I was in my 30s. I still remember those two […]

Amphetamine addiction, depression and rebirth

I had a client recently, a manager of a chain of hairdressing salons, who had been a heavy recreational speed user for a number of years. He had gone eight weeks without drugs and was working hard and using positive thinking techniques to get him through. Things had been manageable but then he hit a […]

Jost Sauer Spiritual attunement acupuncture

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