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Ta daaa! I just finished putting 35 years of my clinical experience and passion for Chinese medicine into an online course: Chinese Medicine 101! Thinking about everything everyone asks me about diet, sleep, meditation, chi-gong, sex, breakfast, purpose, organs, symptoms and more, I created 25 video tutorials (6 hours…
I found myself googling beach shacks in north QLD yesterday, imagining a total opt-out, growing veggies, no power bills, no stress….like the good old days in the commune in Nimbin! I was fully into it, found the perfect place up near Airlie beach, and even told my wife (unimpressed!)….
Low libido is often a lifestyle generated imbalance and can be the cause of relationship reactive patterns. If you want a good relationship you have to nourish it and the best way to do that is to nourish yourself. A healthy sex life is an important part of this…
When I talk about porridge as the ultimate breakfast (which I always do) people either say they love it or hate it. The haters say it’s slimy, lumpy or tasteless, and the lovers swear by it for getting hours of energy for the day ahead. I believe porridge making…
THE GREAT PROTEIN SHAKE DEBATE! I reckon high quality protein powder is a crucial addition to everyone’s diet these days, especially vegans or vegetarians. Lack of protein can cause mental and emotional imbalances and issues. Protein shakes have become a popular way of getting protein but based on my…
With new predictions that one in two people will be obese by 2030, I’ve been delving deeper into how Chinese medicine treats obesity and weight issues. If you want to lose weight going on a diet is your first mistake. It is based on the judgemental mindset that you…
Jost Sauer Spiritual attunement acupuncture

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