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Find out the best times to exercise, work, eat, sleep, play, lose weight, build health and nourish your spirit.

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The latest ‘aha’ moment in neuroscience is that the brain changes constantly. It’s not static and it doesn’t automatically decline as we age. We change our brain either proactively by cultivating thoughts which lead to good mental health, or it is affected by an environment that leads to poor…
How to Build Hope Every time obstacles, freak-outs, fear twinges or depressing news moments threaten to drag you down, you can create little hits of hopefulness to counter it. See, hope is not a psychological state it’s an organ state and that means you can generate it yourself regardless….
Health is the focus of the 2021 new year’s resolutions list. Lose weight is number one (same every year), and get more sleep, eat more healthy foods and exercise, are up there too. But fad dieting, fasting, or doing punishing exercise routines isn’t necessarily healthy and it doesn’t make…
New Age books used to predict the ‘great awakening’ and I reckon this could be it, because we all slowed down enough for a gap to appear. If you sense there is more to life than going back to the daily 9-5 grind and the old, overcommitted stressed-out lifestyle,…
In Chinese medicine building immunity is an action. Immunity is not just what you take, it’s also what you say, think and do, and how you live. Immunity is not a stand-alone bodily system, all your organs power your ‘immune system’, so if you focus improving your organ function…
Therapeutic movement is something you can do at any time to immediately change your emotional state and outlook. My therapeutic exercise routine uses bodyweight, so no equipment necessary, and it works certain muscles to break down blockages in the meridians and acupuncture points to restore neutrality, promote feelings of…

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